Category: CLE, Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor (CLE), Business & Corporations (CLE), Commercial & Consumer Law (CLE), Constitutional Law (CLE), Criminal Law (CLE), Education Law (CLE), Elder Law (CLE), Employment and Labor Law (CLE), Environmental Law (CLE), Family Law (CLE), Government Law (CLE), Health Law (CLE), Intellectual Property Law (CLE), International Law (CLE), Litigation (CLE), Real Property Law (CLE), Taxation (CLE), Tort Law (CLE) (show less)
Credits: 1.0 general credit hour
Description: Don’t miss the return of this highly anticipated class! Join our nationally recognized faculty expert Claude Ducloux for an engaging and practical session on the art of examining witnesses. Whether you're presenting your own witness or cross-examining the opposition's, this class will equip you with essential techniques to enhance your advocacy and courtroom performance. Join Claude as he discusses the following topics and more:
- When and why you need witnesses
- Understanding your case theory
- Preparing your witnesses
- Crafting effective questions
- Integrating exhibits
- Special strategies for preparing and examining experts
- Cross-examination techniques
- Avoiding pitfalls
You will receive valuable study aids, including forms and checklists for witness preparation, to support their practice. Elevate your courtroom skills and learn to turn witness testimony into a powerful advantage. Reserve your spot today!
Faculty: Claude E. Ducloux, LawPay
Fees: $39 D.C. Bar Communities Members, $49 D.C. Bar Members, $59 Government and Nonprofit Attorneys, and $79 Others
The D.C. Bar CLE Program now offers discounted group registration rates! For more information, contact the CLE Office at or 202-626-3488.