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ON DEMAND: Policing, Mental Health, and Neurodiversity
Credit: 0 Credit Hours This program will assess policing, related mental health services, and crime reduction in D.C., looking particularly at how D.C. is ensuring that community policing and other social service supports are sufficiently provided citywide, so that the model for policing in less economically affluent areas is not materially different from more economically affluent ones. One area of focus will be on seeking support services, with an emphasis on avoiding the criminalization of those with intellectual, developmental, and psychiatric disabilities. This program will also discuss whether D.C. police are trained and provided with standard operating procedures (SOPs) on how to interact with individuals who are autistic, neurodivergent, or have other mental health disabilities. It will also be an opportunity to engage with City leaders in this area, including the new Chief of Police. Renew or join Communities to receive the best discount on registration. Click here to log in and join Communities.
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Sponsored by:Program Committee of the D.C. Bar District of Columbia Affairs Community Related Communities of Interest: D.C. Bar Criminal Law and Individual Rights Community Speakers:
Pamela Smith, Chief of Police, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department