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ON DEMAND: Employment Law Update Series: Supreme Court
In this third installment of the annual employment law update, we will review important Supreme Court decisions from 2023 and 2024 that impact employment, which include:
Acheson Hotels v. Laufer, which left undecided the question of whether a “tester” standing under the ADA
Muldrow v. City of St. Louis and the Title VII adverse action standard
“Contributing factor” causation standard under Murray v UBS and its potential effect on Title VII, and
The practical implications of Smith v. Spizzirri in dismissing or staying a case that is compelled to arbitration
This session will address other decisions handed down in the interim and that have application to employment law, as well as anticipated holdings from decisions yet-to-be decided.Register now to get a comprehensive overview of the latest in employment law and get your questions answered. Renew or join Communities to receive the best discount on registration. Click here to log in and join Communities.
Are you a current law student and looking to register for one of our programs? Learn about the D.C. Bar Law Student Community and attend most individual programs at a discounted rate. Find out more here.
Sponsored by: D.C. Bar Labor and Employment Law Community Related Communities of Interest: D.C. Bar Litigation Community Speaker:
Robert "Bob" Fitzpatrick, Partner, Robert B. Fitzpatrick, PLLC
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