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ON DEMAND: Fostering Mentorships and Increasing Diversity in Appellate Practice
Credit: 0 Credit Hours Given the profound impact appellate rulings often have on underrepresented communities, and the positive benefit lawyers from those communities can have on the law, greater representation at bench and bar is needed. Addressing that need is the focus of The Appellate Project (TAP), a nationwide nonprofit that launched from the District last year. This webcast will introduce you to TAP's founder, Juvaria Kahn, who will speak on the success of her Program in increasing diversity by creating mentorships with appellate practitioners nationwide. She will also share important tips on ways practitioners can create and sustain mutually beneficial mentorships for their firms or organizations. Other compelling speakers for this webcast include:
Dori Bernstein, as the recent Director for the Supreme Court Institute at Georgetown University Law Center, will share lessons learned from mooting many Supreme Court attorneys.
Tiffany Wright, Co-Director of the Howard University School of Law's Civil Rights Clinic, will discuss the roles private law firms can play in increasing diversity in appellate practice.
Patricia-Joy Mpasi, a Judicial Clerk to the Honorable Charles B. Day, Magistrate Judge for the U.S. District Court of Maryland, will provide both a view from the bench and also insights into obtaining a judicial clerkship.
We hope you will join this esteemed panel for an important discussion on increasing diversity, and thereby valuable talent, in appellate practices. Are you a current law student and looking to register for one of our programs? Learn about the D.C. Bar Law Student Community and attend most individual programs at a discounted rate. Find out more here. Sponsored by: Appellate Practice and Individual Rights Committee of the D.C. Bar Criminal Law and Individual Rights Community Program Partner: D.C. Bar Law Student Community Related Community of Interest: D.C. Bar D.C. Affairs Community; D.C. Bar Litigation Community; D.C. Bar Public Interest and Courts Community Speakers:
Dori Bernstein, (former) Director of the Supreme Court Institute at Georgetown University Law Center
Juvaria Khan, Founder and Executive Director, The Appellate Project
Patricia-Joy Mpasi, Judicial Clerk to the Honorable Charles B. Day, Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court of Maryland, and also Membership Chair for GWAC
Tiffany Wright, Co-Director of the Howard University School of Law's Civil Rights Clinic
Robin M. Earnest, Chairperson, Appellate Practice Subcommittee (Moderator)