ON DEMAND: Converting Downtown Office Buildings to Housing: Does it Work?
Category: Communities, Arts, Entertainment, Media and Sports Law, Criminal Law (CLE), District of Columbia Affairs, Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Family Law, Health Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Law, Law Practice Management, Law Student, Litigation, Public Interest and Courts, Real Property Law (CLE), Taxation, Tort Law (show less)
Credit: 0 Credit HoursWith increased use of remote work, especially post-COVID, downtown office buildings in many cities are increasingly vacant. It is easier to convert older or historic buildings to housing - but what about large, modern office structures? Are there enough windows, bathrooms and other amenities to make this switch to housing or other uses work? Join a panel of D.C. government and business leaders to examine how this issue is being addressed in the Nation's Capital.
Are you a current law student and looking to register for one of our programs? Learn about the D.C. Bar Law Student Community and attend most individual programs at a discounted rate. Find out more here.
Sponsored by: Programs Committee of the D.C. Bar District of Columbia Affairs Community; D.C. Bar Real Estate, Housing and Land Use Community Related Communities of Interest: all D.C. Bar CommunitiesSpeakers:
- Hon. Robert White, D.C. Councilmember At-Large, D.C. Council
- Sharon Carney, Chief of Staff, Deputy Mayor for Planning & Economic Development, Executive Office of the Mayor
- Laurence Caudle, AIA, Director of Housing, Hickok Cole Architects
- Katalin Peter, Esq., VP of Government Affairs, Apartment and Office Building Assn (AOBA-Metro)
- Daniel Mayer, Co-chair, D.C. Affairs Community (Moderator)
Your Price | Standard |
Non-Member | $40.00 | D.C. Bar Member | $30.00 | D.C. Bar Premium Community Member | $0.00 | D.C. Bar Regular Community Member | $15.00 | Law Student Community | $15.00 |
Government Attorney | Standard |
Non-Member | $15.00 |
Non Profit Attorney | Standard |
Non-Member | $15.00 |
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