Category: CLE, Alternative Dispute Resolution (CLE), Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor (CLE), Business & Corporations (CLE), Commercial & Consumer Law (CLE), Constitutional Law (CLE), Criminal Law (CLE), Education Law (CLE), Elder Law (CLE), Employment and Labor Law (CLE), Environmental Law (CLE), Ethics and Professionalism (CLE), Family Law (CLE), Government Law (CLE), Health Law (CLE), Intellectual Property Law (CLE), International Law (CLE), Law Practice Management (CLE), Litigation (CLE), Real Property Law (CLE), Taxation (CLE), Tort Law (CLE), Trusts, Wills & Estates (CLE) (show less)
This class is not eligible for D.C. Bar CLE Passport use.
Credits: 3.0 ethics and professionalism credit hours
Description: The pace of changes and upheavals in legal ethics has begun to accelerate. Such evolution is perilous, because most practitioners are not aware of them until it is too late. Some of the changes are driven by politics, some of them are driven by a realization that certain accepted policies and principles no longer fit modern practice, and some by the gradual evolution of the culture of law. By the very nature of the legal ethics oversight process, bar associations are always reactive, not anticipatory, in developing guidance. Serious legal ethics problems flourish and metastasize beneath the profession’s radar.
Ground Zero for Legal Ethics is a new three-hour legal ethics CLE class created for D.C. Bar members that explores the most important of these developments that stretch over every practice area. Using interactive hypotheticals and multi-disciplinary tools to aid issue spotting and analysis, the class examines the forces driving these changes, identifies crucial developments in the legal ethics standards, and recommends survival tactics for practicing attorneys. Many of the topics examined will be “ripped from the headlines,” as the course responds to current events that affect the legal professional and the public’s perception of it. The following are among the issues covered (time permitting):
- The non-attorney firm ownership dilemma
- The abuse of attorney discipline and bar complaints
- How the profession of law is losing to the business of law
- The ethics of hiring
- Re-thinking informed consent and the retainer process
- The artificial intelligence problem
- The ABA’s new duty to investigate clients
- Attorney advertising and marketing confusion
- And more. . . including up-to-the-minute legal ethics news and developments
This is a fast-moving, diverse, challenging, and invaluable class that proves both practical and entertaining for all participants. Its author and facilitator is Jack Marshall, a Massachusetts and D.C. attorney, and the president of ProEthics, a national professional ethics training and consulting firm based in Alexandria, Virginia. The class reflects his discoveries, some of them alarming, many of them surprising, while assisting attorneys across the country as they deal with difficult ethical problems.
Faculty: Jack A. Marshall, ProEthics Ltd
Fees: $89 D.C. Bar Communities Members, $99 D.C. Bar Members, $109 Government and Nonprofit Attorneys, and $129 Others
The D.C. Bar CLE Program now offers discounted group registration rates! For more information, contact the CLE Office at or 202-626-3488.