ON DEMAND: Estate and Tax Planning Series: End of the Year Roundtable for Estate Planners: 10 Practice Pointers
Credit: 0 CLE Credit Hours
Join the D.C. Bar Estates, Trusts and Probate Law Community for an engaging and interactive end-of-the-year roundtable, featuring Jamie Blair and moderated by steering community members Kevin Martin and Regine Williams. This unique session offers an opportunity to connect with colleagues, share questions and concerns, and gain practical insights to improve your practice. Jamie Blair, an expert in estate planning, estate and trust administration, tax planning, and wealth preservation strategies, will share key tips for effective planning. Following her presentation, there will be an informal roundtable discussion for participants to pose questions and explore solutions. Come ready to participate, learn, and leave with new tools to enhance your estate planning and administration practice!
Renew or join Communities to receive the best discount on registration. Click here to log in and join Communities. Learn about the D.C. Bar Law Student Community and join for only $25 to attend most individual programs at a discounted rate and learn more about the opportunities. Find out more here.
Sponsored by: D.C. Bar Estates, Trusts and Probate Law Community Related Communities of Interest: D.C. Bar Early Career Lawyers Community; D.C. Bar Family Law Community; D.C. Bar Law Practice Management Community; D.C. Bar Taxation Community
- Jamie Blair, Partner, Furey, Doolan & Abell LLP
- Kevin Martin, JD, LLM, MBA, Kevin C. Martin, Attorney at Law, PLLC (Moderator)
- Regine Williams, Francois Williams Legal, LLC (Moderator)
Your Price | Standard |
Non-Member | $40.00 | D.C. Bar Member | $30.00 | D.C. Bar Premium Community Member | $0.00 | D.C. Bar Regular Community Member | $15.00 | Law Student Community | $15.00 |
Government & Nonprofit Attorneys | Standard |
Non-Member | $15.00 |
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