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AI and Legal Ethics: A Risk-Benefit Analysis 2024 (On-Demand)
AI & ChatGPT Basics Series
1 Ethics & Professional Responsibility (50-minute hour)
This class is eligible for CLE Passport use. You will be able to select the CLE Passport as your payment method for no additional cost when registering for this course.
Credits: 1.0 ethics and professionalism credit hour* *This class qualifies for 1.0 credit for Technology in the Practice of Law for California. *This class qualifies for 1.0 credit in Cybersecurity, Privacy & Data Protection - Ethics for New York. *This class may qualify for competency credit for those jurisdictions having such requirements.
Description: AI provides exciting opportunities for attorneys to supplement their legal expertise and complete tasks with greater efficiency. It is also fraught with ethical risks. For this reason, attorneys should exercise caution in entrusting tasks to AI and, when they do, scrutinize the work it produces. Our distinguished panel will examine the relevant ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct implicated by AI use. They will describe the opportunities AI affords, and how AI intersects with critical rules of professional conduct, including D.C. Rule of Prof’l Conduct R. 1.1 (mandating that lawyers be competent in relevant technology), R. 5.3 (requiring attorneys to supervise those who report to them), R. 1.5 (fees must be reasonable), R. 1.6 (requiring attorneys to keep client confidences), R. 7.1 (truth in advertising), and R. 1.4 (providing standards governing how often and about what lawyers have to communicate with their clients). The panel will also provide practical guidance about how you can comply with your ethical obligations while reaping the benefits of AI.
Those interested in attending this class may also be interested in attending the other on-demand class in the AI & ChatGPT Basics Series, which is Legislation around AI - What's Here and What's Coming (On-Demand).