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ON DEMAND: The Patent Examination Process and Working Effectively with Examiners
Join us for an open discussion with current and former Patent Examiners about the patent examination process. The panelists will provide insights and answer your questions. What can practitioners do to ensure high-quality patents? What is the best way to get the broadest coverage? How can you make interviews more productive? How are examiners dealing with changing Section 101 and 103 guidance? How might you avoid an enablement rejection? Please join us for a informative discussion.
Are you a current law student and looking to register for one of our programs? Learn about the D.C. Bar Law Student Community and attend most individual programs at a discounted rate. Find out more here. Sponsored by: Patent Committee of the D.C. Bar Intellectual Property Law Community
Christopher Prone, Primary Patent Examiner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Ryan Schneer, Managing Member, Schneer IP Law
Albert Wong, Primary Patent Examiner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Bradley P. Hartman, Hartman Titus PLC (Moderator)
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