REMOTE PROGRAM: D.C. Ballot Initiatives: Implementation Following Passage by D.C. Voters
Credit: 0 CLE Credit Hours
**This program will now be accessible via Zoom. Join the District of Columbia Affairs Community for this program on recent D.C. Ballot Initiatives. Such initiatives have recently been passed by D.C. voters, covering areas of business and local elections. Initiative 82 (November 2022) provided for the phasing out of the tipped minimum wage—a process currently underway in the restaurant and hospitality industry. In November 2024, voters approved Initiative 83, which will institute ranked-choice voting and limited open primaries in D.C. elections. This panel will discuss the overall process, including what happens once the initiative becomes law and is forwarded to the Council for implementation. Don't miss out on this timely discussion, with experts representing all stakeholders.
Pre-registration for this program is required. As always, please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues. D.C. Bar membership is not required to attend. Non-members will need to create a profile to register.
This remote program will be hosted on the Zoom platform. You will receive access information from D.C. Bar Communities staff the afternoon prior to the program. The Zoom access information should not be shared with other, as registration is required. Renew or join Communities to receive the best discount on registration. Membership is now half-price. Click here to log in and join Communities. Learn about the D.C. Bar Law Student Community and join for only $25 to attend most individual programs at a discounted rate and learn more about the opportunities. Find out more here.
Sponsored by: Programs Committee of the D.C. Bar District of Columbia Affairs Community Related Communities of Interest: D.C. Bar Administrative Law and Agency Practice Community; D.C. Bar Early Career Lawyers Community; D.C. Bar Labor and Employment Law Community; D.C. Bar Law Student Community; D.C. Bar Public Interest and Courts Community
- Hon. Matthew Frumin, Member of D.C. Council (Ward 3), Council of the District of Columbia
- Adam Eidinger, Treasurer, Initiative 82
- Lisa Rice, Chair, "Make All Votes Count D.C." Coalition
- Joseph Sandler, Esq., Member, Sandler Reiff Lamb Rosenstein & Birkenstock, P.C.
- Terri Stroud, General Counsel, D.C. Board of Elections
- Charles Wilson, Attorney and Chair, D.C. Democratic Party
- Ann Wilcox, Steering Committee, D.C. Affairs Community (Moderator)
**Early Bird Registration ends on Friday, March 7.
Early Bird rate expired on Friday, March 7, 2025 Registration Fees | Early Registration | Standard |
Non-Member | $30.00 | $40.00 | D.C. Bar Member | $20.00 | $30.00 | D.C. Bar Premium Community Member | $0.00 | $0.00 | D.C. Bar Regular Community Member | $0.00 | $0.00 | Law Student Community | $0.00 | $10.00 |
Government Registration Fee | Early Registration | Standard |
Non-Member | $15.00 | $20.00 |
NonProfit Registration Fee | Early Registration | Standard |
Non-Member | $15.00 | $20.00 |