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Lunch and Learn: Law Firm Partnerships - What to Know Before and After Tying the Knot
Course Number:
Original Program Date:
March 27, 2025
1 hour
March 27, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ((GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada))
Are you thinking about adding a partner to your practice or joining another firm? Small law firm partnerships are like marriages. At the outset, the parties might be smitten with each other and the possibilities.
The devil is in the details: the division of labor, the distribution of power and money, and the best ways to manage disagreements.
Dave Ross, a partner at Garris Horn LLP, will talk you through what you need to know before you make the decision - and what you can do after the decision has been made. Dave has extensive experience litigating disputes between business partners, LLC members, and shareholders of closely held corporations. He knows how and why things go wrong, what you should consider when deciding whether to join forces, and what pitfalls to avoid in setting the ground rules.