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ON DEMAND: Family Court Considerations for Children When Domestic Violence Occurs
Credit: 0 Credit Hours The D.C. Bar Family Law Community Steering Committee is hosting a panel of practitioners to discuss how to handle cases when children have witnessed or experienced domestic violence. This program will focus on how lawyers and mental health professionals can collaborate to ensure the safety of children when domestic violence is present. Panelists will also discuss ways to incorporate an understanding of the dynamics of domestic violence and its impact on families in cases that involve custody, abuse and neglect, and civil protection orders.
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Sponsored by: D.C. Bar Family Law Community Related Communities of Interest: D.C. Bar Criminal Law and Individual Rights Community; D.C. Bar Public Interest and Courts; D.C. Bar Law Student Community Communities Sponsor: USI Affinity Speakers:
Jonathan Krell, Senior Attorney, Guardian ad Litem, Children's Law Center
Erin Scheick, Clinical Practitioner-in-Residence, Columbus Community Legal Services, The Catholic University of America
Dr. Ruth Zitner, Licensed Psychologist, Ruth Zitner, Psy.D.
Charlene Whitman-Barr, Supervising Attorney, Legal Aid Society of D.C. (Moderator)