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Fee Agreements in the District of Columbia: Ethics and Practice Guide 2024 (On-Demand)
3.5 Ethics & Professional Responsibility (50-minute hour)
This class is eligible for CLE Passport use. You will be able to select the CLE Passport as your payment method for no additional cost when registering for this course.
Description: Attend this popular class to receive practical advice about developing fee agreements in the District of Columbia and the ethical issues involved. Using sample agreements, our faculty experts will guide you through the requirements of a written agreement, including the scope of the agreement, fee structure (hourly, fixed, contingency, and others), handling of expenses, and more.
The panel will show those who attend how to deal with client files and property in your fee agreements; how to address fees to be charged for the services of associates and legal staff; and other important issues such as termination, withdrawal, and fee dispute arbitration. Class materials include a broad range of sample fee agreements. The panel will also discuss the implications of In re Mance on flat fees and advance fees, and In re Ponds on Rule 1.15(e) and waiver of entrustment. Faculty: Christopher G. Hoge, Crowley, Hoge & Fein PC Kaitlin McGee, D.C. Bar Practice Management Advisory Service Daniel M. Mills, D.C. Bar Practice Management Advisory Service
3.5 Ethics & Professional Responsibility (50-minute hour)
D.C. Bar Member
D.C. Bar Member
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