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District of Columbia Estates, Trusts and Probate Law Digest
Description: The 2016 edition of District of Columbia Estates, Trusts and Probate Law Digest is ready to download. This one-of-a-kind resource contains more than 35 years of significant published and unpublished probate and fiduciary decisions of the D.C. Superior Court and the D.C. Court of Appeals - all in one comprehensive publication. Readers will have access to close to 1000 digests and hundreds of previously unpublished cases between 1976 and 2014. This document is a downloadable pdf. This publication is the most up to date edition.
Fees: $500 Non-Member; $300 D.C. Bar Member; $250 Estates, Trusts and Probate Law Community Member; $200 Premium Estates, Trusts and Probate Law Community Member
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