Date: TBD
Time: 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Format: Virtual
The Social Security disability application and benefits award process is a complicated, time-consuming process that is difficult to navigate and it usually takes several years of frustrating appeals before Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Disability Insurance Benefits are awarded to the applicant. However, once benefits are awarded, beneficiaries can encounter more frustration and confusion if SSA alleges an overpayment of benefits and suspends or terminates the disability payment.
Overpayments occur when SSA alleges that a person has received more benefits than allowed. These overpayments can range from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars. The emotional and financial devastation for an individual or family living at or below the poverty line and facing recoupment of an overpayment can be overwhelming. Overpayments exacerbate income insecurity, impact the local economy, and further deplete community assets.
This live webinar will equip you to represent a client with a Social Security overpayment and include
Defining a Social Security overpayment
Liability for overpayments
Strategies for challenging overpayments
Appealing Social Security overpayment
PLEASE NOTE: Attorney participants are urged to take an SSI/SSDI overpayment case within three months of the training.
To register, click “Add to Cart.” At checkout, if you do not already have a DC Bar login account, please create a free profile by clicking “Create an Account." Once you create your account, you will need to return to this event page ( to complete registration.
**Registrants will receive the login link for the course via email about one day before the first session.**
Refund Policy: Please note that we are unable to provide refunds. If you have registered for a training with the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center and are unable to attend, we do permit someone else from your organization to attend the training in your place with twenty-four hours of prior notice. Registration fees cannot be applied to future trainings.
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