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ON DEMAND: Keeping the Drive Alive for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Business & Finance, Where is the Movement Heading?
As we approach the third year after the brutal murder of George Floyd, which sparked a social movement for diversity, equity, and inclusion in our leading institutions, join experts in our industry for a high-level and engaging conversation about the evolution and trajectory of the drive to increase the diversity of business and finance lawyers. Topics of discussion will include the role of law firms and in-house counsel in driving diversity; best metrics and the importance of measuring DE&I; engaging clients as a force multiplier; and regulatory initiatives in the DE&I space.
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Sponsored by:Diversity & Inclusion in Business and Finance Committee of the D.C. Bar Corporation, Finance and Securities Law Community Communities of Interest: All D.C. Bar Communities Program Partner:Financial Services Professionals (FSP) Speakers:
Hon. Sharon Bowen, Chair of the Board of Directors, New York Stock Exchange